Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today was not a fun day for hubby. He had an ingrown toenail removed. I stayed with him through the numbing shots, but I scooted out for the operation. If he had wanted me to stay, I would've. But he didn't want me to see him in pain/distress, and frankly I didn't want to see a toenail taken off! He limped out afterwards into the waiting room, and joked to all the senior citizens seated, "All I'd have to do is groan, and I could clear this whole room." This evoked some chuckles. Even in pain, he's still got it.

It's funny how we all are. Sarah, like David, also hates to be seen in pain or distress. She jokes that if she could, she would give birth alone, only rejoining the family when she had herself pulled together, and had the baby all cleaned up. I, on the other hand, want someone with me in my pain. When I had a pulmonary embolism six years ago, I had trouble sleeping, what with medical personnel in and out all day. But then my mom got to town, and came in to see me. After a brief greeting/visit, I fell into a peaceful sleep to the sound of her reading the Psalms.

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