Sunday, December 28, 2008


I am having a days-long streak of insomnia. This is probably why I have laryngitis.
I won't speak today or tomorrow, if I can help it. Noah has caught cold again, and we are both staying home from church. I really don't feel too bad, except for a general low-grade tiredness, from lack of sleep. I would go to church, but I know I'll end up talking a little, and I need to get better. Going to that party last night finished my voice off. I couldn't avoid going. There were too many people we normally don't see a lot. David's brother and his wife, as well as many aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was enriching to be with everyone. For the most part, I enjoy David's relatives. There's always one difficult one in the bunch, but with proper technique, this one is easily avoided. Keep it light and polite and move to the next person asap.

This is all for now. Cosmo has dominated my lap, and I have some serious tv-watching to do.

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