Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Visit from Faith

My dear friend, Faith, came by to hang out with me today. I have been a tad too busy the last two days, and by last night, I realized that today I needed to lay low. So I invited Faith to come over and watch a movie with me. She brought chai and these "mock oranges," and we immediately tried to fit them into the decor, as they are not for eating. I think they make a very unique arrangement. They remind me of something Snow White might have put together while the dwarves were away working in their mine.

I've never seen these fruits before - aren't they interesting? Faith found them all over the ground outside the gym she goes to. Ben cut one open tonight, and it smelled like pine, and was sappy as well, nothing like an orange!

Here's Faith with little Cosmo. They are very find of each other, and snuggled much during the movie.

I am so blessed by Faith. A kindred heart, she makes me laugh, and makes me think. She isn't pretentious, but could be, she's so clever. Above all, she is kind-hearted. We met through our sons, when they were in the 8th grade. I'm so glad we did! We have much in common, and have been able to encourage one another in very knowing ways.

God has provided me with so many good friends, each like a different gem, having her own different color, shape, and properties. Each delightful and enriching in their own way.

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