Saturday, September 6, 2008

Annual Sweet Autumn pic, Helping Daddy

For seven years now, starting when Noah was 6 months old, he and I have posed in front of this Sweet Autumn plant. It's not as high as usual, as last winter's ice-storm damaged it. But where there's life, there is hope, and it managed to "rise from the ashes." It always blooms in September, and because of this, my husband's great-grandmother called it a "Back-to-School Plant" And his grandmother taught that to her son, my father-in-law, and he still calles it that. But I found, in my plant name digging (pun intended!) that it was in fact a Clematis, called Sweet Autumn. Still I think the other name is charming. (Unless you're a wiggly, summer-lovin' kid!)

Here, Noah is fascinated by the workings of a door knob mechanism. It's an oldie, and needs repairing. Unfortunately, while David and I were out last night, Noah lost one of the screws. So the door is inoperable. David has to fix it today!

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