Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cool of the Day

Remember the part of the Bible that described God walking in the cool of the day? (He would talk with Adam in Eve then - in the Garden - before they fell into sin.) Well, that's the feeling I had this morning when I took the dogs out. It was about 65 degrees, and the sun had only been awake for maybe twenty minutes. In the early-morning shade, the flowers on trees and bushes were vivid, anticipating the day to come. Perhaps they had just fluffed their skirts and freshened their make-up. I've noticed they look especially lovely in the early morning and in the evening. The evening glow may be attributed to an afternoon nap. Just speculation here, but one never knows.
I've twice now noticed something odd when I'm out walking the dogs: bees napping on the golden rain tree blossoms. Where they there all night, not have the strength, it being so long into the work season, to fly back? It is temperate at night, so they won't get cold if they stay out. This is all I can some up with.
I love the beauty of God's creation. I've always been a nature-girl. Thank You, Lord, for the lovely plants and fascinating little creatures You've made.

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