Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bipple Madness

Mr. Bipples is the name we often call Cosmo by. Sarah came up with his full name, Cosmond P. Bipples. Mr. Bipples is the result. It does suit him, as he is little and whimpy. This name is perfect. His middle initial, P., is for "pathetic," as that is the look he has on his face much of the time.

From this name, Mr. Bipples, a few terms have come about:

Bipple Bin, his crate, usually untouched.

Bipple Bed, his cozy, usually empty dog-bed.

Bipple Bombs, the "presents" he leaves outside on the grass.

As more are thought up, I'll revise this list.

Mr. Bipples had a bath today. After being banned from the sofa for general stinkiness, I found the source: the Bipple Bin and Bed were soaked. Apparently, Bipple Dripples happened overnight. There, a new Bipple-term.

Bipple Dripple, what happens when a small dog's bladder just can't hold out.

He's giving me the pathetic look even now, wanting to hop into my lap. Unlike Sarah and Rebekah, I just can't stand typing with arms reaching overtop a lapdog.

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