Saturday, April 17, 2010

What a busy month we've had! It all started with Noah's Book 1 Suzuki cello recital. I enjoyed getting the house ready for this musical soiree. I laid out cookies, fresh vegetables, nuts, crackers, and hot herbal tea, as well as coffee. I also collected various bloom from our yard, and put them in the candle vases I have. I thought they looked very nice for the occasion. His teacher, Miss Barb arrived early so that she and Noah could brush up on his encore, as duet of French Folk Song. Soon all the guests arrived - David's parents, "Nanny" and "Papaw, my parents, "Bubbe," "Grandpa" and "Grandma Brenda." Also, my sister, Gayle, her son, Michael (Noah's best friend), my brother, Steve, and my two little sisters, Erin and Robin, plus their guys, Brian and BJ. And of course David, Ben, and me. So it was a nice gathering, but not overwhelming. And of course, we were an easy crowd to work, clapping for most any little thing. And some big things, like Minuet #2, or Happy Farmer.
Next came Easter, and then a very big event: Noah's learning to ride a bike! He and David put it all together, and then, 2 weeks later, off came the training wheels! Noah learned in a snap. He's enjoying his bike so much now. I just took him to the park today.

In the midst of all the busy-ness, I did get a picture of the back yard from our balcony. I'll nver tire of all the color - the dogwoods, redbuds, and azaleas all blooming at the same time.

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