Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Three down, two to go

Ben and Noah started school today. Ben caught the bus, and I walked Noah to his school. After I took Noah to the gym, to meet his new teacher, and see his classmates, I had to say goodbye. I gave him a kiss, but he wiped it off. He was embarrassed to be kissed by his mom in front of the other kids. Tomorrow I'll kiss him before we get near the others.

I got home, and almost cried, but got distracted. My day took on a life of its own, with housework, phone calls, etc. By 1pm, I thought, "Where's Noah? He needs lunch." but realized into the thought he wasn't home, that he had already had lunch at school. It was strange.

Josh spent the day doing laundry, packing, and storing stuff in the attic. I was so impressed with the way he left the room: empty and clean, with just one outfit folded and stacked to wear tomorrow. By 8pm, he had the car all loaded up. He wants to get to college early enough to register, and get the bed he wants!

One thing I did that was just plain silly today was a photo shoot of the two special little creatures that have recently come to live in our home: Horatio and Eugenia, baby dragons from a renaissance fair. (They're really called anoles.)

Here's Eugenia -

And here's Horatio (guarding my new diamond ring) -

And here's a picture of both of them with their "mommy," Sarah -

I call this the Parent Trap moment.

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