Tonight, as the sun was setting, and cicadas were still buzzing, I sat swinging and reading my Bible at a beloved nearby park. This park has a gorgeous view of the river and the city across the river. My mom took me there as a newborn while my big sisters ran and played. David took me there when we were dating, and eventually, we took our little ones there. So it seemed an appropriate place for me to do something special. As Noah ran about and played, I swung on a wooden swing overlooking the river, and finished the last verses of Malachi, thus finishing reading the Bible all the way through. I had started in 1997 or 1998, in Matthew, and read through the NT, then started the OT. And now I'm done!
I think I'll start in the the OT again to read through the second time. Also, now that I've read through once, I look forward to just poking around, reading by subject, etc. In fact, a topical study is what is in order, and some memorizing too.
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