Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quiet house

My littlest man starts first grade tomorrow. His brother will go into 10th. I'm going to come home from dropping them off, and cry...

Where did the time go? It's just like Bert sings to the always-too-busy father in Mary Poppins,

You've got to grind, grind, grind
At that grindstone
Though child'ood slips like sand through a sieve
And all too soon they've up and grown
And then they've flown
And it's too late for you to give
Just that spoonful of sugar
To 'elp the medicine go down...

I've always tried to savor my kids' childhood. And having Noah 10 years after the "gang" bought me more Mommy time. But eventually, all good things must come to an end.

I understand grandchildren are very rewarding...

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