Thursday, February 18, 2010


My family is shrinking. Sarah's married off, and Rebekah and Josh are away at college. It's just the four of us now - David, Ben, Noah, and me. And of course the dogs, who count for one adult human being when it comes to food and mess-making. So I guess it's more like five.

I put on a meal and find I have leftovers. I make a batch of cookies, and there are still some in the cookie jar three days later. The kitchen stays a little cleaner. David and I can have private conversations more often. The house is oddly quiet much of the time, especially if Ben is out with friends. It's weird. I don't know if I like it. Well, maybe a little.

I helped with Noah's Valentine's party yesterday. There is something endearing about second-graders passing paper hearts with clothes-pins in their mouths, to win a game. Or holding hands in a circle, singing "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold..." Later, they were anxious to decorate little bags and fill each other's with Valentines.

Tomorrow I help with the bowling field-trip. This will be entertaining. I'm bringing my camera.

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