Monday, September 7, 2009


I have been looking for part-time work for 3 weeks now. I've have 2 interviews. The one offered me had inconvenient -even scanty - hours, and I'm still waiting for word from the other. I'm guessing I'm competing with many other housewives forced to get some supplemental income during this economy. I am hoping to to work to put money back into the bank after buying Rebekah a car and spending $2100 repairing our own elderly carriages.

We recently had the pleasure to visit with David's mother's family on Saturday, a little over an hour away. These are kind folk, feeling much love and affection for one another. I always feel a warm contentment when I am among them. They hosted a cook-out, and a tasty meal it was. I enjoyed being part of the food preparation in the kitchen, mashed in between Aunt Mady and Aunt Sarah, peeling eggs, to devil them. It reminded me of my own family's cookouts, at my Aunt Gerry's. I loved being with my many cousins - all six of them! Games, teasing, and too much good food to try everything! I'm glad my kids have a similar experience with these relatives.

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