I didn't cry this year. Actually, I'm enjoying being alone in the house. Because Sarah's car is sick, she took mine, so I'm a 1950's mom today - it's housework for me! And I'm actually glad for it. I can iron while I watch TV. Also, I can practice my cello without the family hearing, and sound better next time the do hear me.

That photo of Noah sticking his tongue out is TOO cute! Seeing Ben and Noah like this reminds me of old photos of Dad with one of his older siblings, when he was a kid. Thanks for sharing!
I liked that one too! I was frustrated by the blurriness of most of the pics. I've taken tons of clear pics outside. But these and last year's 1st day pics were like this. I don't get it. It must be because I was hurrying and perhaps wasn't still enough. Oh well.
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