After Sunday dinner at our house, Nancy told the funniest story from her recent trip to Peurto Rico. It wasn't funny at the time, but don't those ones always turn out the funniest, once they're over?
After a maddening mountain climb, to learn about rain forests the previous day, Nancy overheard some others in the group talking about the lovely peaceful horse-back outing they had taken along the beach. They even rode the horsed into the waves. "Ahhhh..." thought Nancy, "now that's what I need." So she signed up for that day's horse-back outing. Only later - too late to turn back - did she find out that it was not along the beach.
Nancy's group started their horses up (yet again) a mountain. The path along which they slogged was rocky and rough. It was about one foot wider that the girth of a horse. And on either side thorn bushes grew high. "Lean forward!" shouted the leader, as the hill became steeper. It was very frightening. Not peaceful. Not by a longshot. Once at the top, a rest, then back down again - goody! This time it was, "Lean back!" Oh, yes, I almost forgot: the riders had to constantly pull the reigns up to keep their horses from stopping to snack on the thorn bushes. Poor Nancy. I felt really bad for laughing throughout her tale. But she thought it funny too, by then.
Here's Nancy with Cosmo. Of course, she experienced, as all do, his emotional neediness, and found him silly and pathetic.

1 comment:
Nice to see a pic of Nancy - Have not laid eyes on her since her wedding.
Horseback riding is big here. Bad planning at Xmas parade in town last time, a block away, BTW - live right in historic district/downtown.
They put the two guys with the 5-gallon buckets and shovels IN FRONT OF THE HORSES....
We have great tomatoes this eyar from our urban container- and raised-bed gardening. I canned 11 pints this morning.
Gonna try canning the green peppers, which need to be done in pressure canner, not water-bath one, as tomatoes.
We used to have 1/4 acre garden wehre we used to live, but this is enough now.
Jo, a/k/a online as
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