It's St. Patrick's Day, and this always reminds me that I'm part Irish. My Grandpa Casey gave me my Irish roots. Sadly, I don't remember him, as he died when I was two. I know that he met me, and that is some consolation. My son, Josh, looks somewhat like him. Also, Josh, like Grandpa, is quite clever.
Grandpa's family hailed from County Mayo, off to the the left, on the coast. Perhaps this has something to do with my love of mayonaisse ;) and of the shore. I also love to make up stories. I do not like the sound of bagpipes, but my red-haired daughter, Sarah, does. By their looks, my kids would all blend into Ireland. I am told that more than any other culture, I look Irish.
My sister, Wendy, took my girls to Ireland when they were 9 and 11. They had a good time, exploring old castles, trail-riding, playing on the smooth boulders on the shores, and seeing the sheer cliffs. They even stayed overnight in a castle. The girls came home with a ton a pictures, Irish lace, wool blankets, and delicate teapots, creamers, and sugar bowls, all courtesy of Aunt Wendy, meant for their trousseaus. The girls picked out everything. Sarah's teapot is from Donegal china, made from Ireland's own clay, and so delicate that you can see through it if it's held up to the sun. I am just amazed that my sister somehow carried those tea sets back without them breaking. They are now in storage, along with other housewares, awaiting their housekeeping days. I know my girls will always be grateful to their Aunt Wendy for this amazing experience.
Today is a special day for another reason. On this day, 24 years ago, I woke up for the first time next to my new husband, David. I remember the feeling so well. It was a fresh happy feeling as I looked at the shiny wedding band on my finger. I kissed David awake, and we were soon off to a breakfast buffet in the hotel. This is before I drank coffee. That is funny to me, as coffee is now such a regular part of my morning. ( I started drinking it, half a cup a day, while pregnant with Rebekah, for headaches I got from the pregnancy.) I can't believe we're been married for 24 years. How they flew! I'm so thankful for the good husband I have.

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