Sarah has a boyfriend, and he's tall, dark, and handsome... His name is Praveen, and he's originally from India. He now lives and works a few states away as an engineer, and has been a Christian for 18 months. He's been growing much in the Lord, and especially likes the works of C.S. Lewis and Ravi Zacharias.
Sarah met Praveen on Christianmingle.com. She was drawn to his being Indian; he to the part of her profile that said she liked to bake. ;) After a month of talking on the phone with Sarah, he flew in to meet all of us. David and I were very impressed with him. Sarah is besotted with him, lol! His English is very good, but happily, he still has a strong Indian accent. Time will tell what comes of all this. Praveen is the first guy Sarah's dated who really clicked with her. They seem to have everything in common, and a very similar world view. They are both somewhat business-like, and addressed a lot of the usual specifics early on. Phone/mail relationships are like this, as there is nothing to do but talk. Usual dating involves activities like bowling or seeing movies, and this leaves less time for talking. So they have probably compressed three months of talk into one. I've been told all this by two other gals who went through the same kind of "dating." One was my sister, who is still happily married to her long-distance guy, for 10 years now.
It's really interesting to see their phyical contrast. I've always thought Indian people were very attractive and interesting. They are the most gracious people I've constistantly ever met. As Sarah has always been fascinated with very different cultures, I think she would do better than most assimilating to one. This is why I am not too concerned with the obvious culture clashes that will occur. I think she'll take this in stride. She is open to living here or in India, if something does come of this...
I'm very happy for Sarah. Praveen's a really nice guy.
1 comment:
Awwww. How cute are they?!
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