Hello, My name is Jill and I am really looking forward to meeting other like-minded gals through this link "party."
I am a Bible-believing Christian, having accepted Christ when I was nine years old because I learned that without Him, I was going to Hell. I used to be afraid to admit this, as many of my peers talked about being saved because they desired the peace and/or friendship of God. My reason, escape from the flames of Hell, seemed so base and self-serving. Now I realize that fear of Hell is reason enough to look to my Savior, the only One Who can cover my sins, and deliver me from eternal torment. Peace, grace, and friendship with God are fringe benefits.
I've run the gantlet of Christian denominations. I was raised Catholic until age 10. Following that, my mom took us to a Pentacostal church. Eventually, my husband and I attended Assembly of God churches, as well as non-denom charistmatic churches. We had a 3-year stint in a Messianic body, which was very interesting, and fun. But they did not use the KJV. Use of the KJV became our priority, and that's how we ended up in an independent Baptist church, where we've remained for 14 years.
I've been married to David, my high school sweet heart, for 24 years. He's an engineer and is especially interested in creationism. I'm a homemaker, and am especially interested in five particular creations: our five children, ages 23 down to 6. They are a continual source of delight for David and me. They have been home-, private-, and public-schooled. Three are now in college, one is in 10th grade, and the last is a first-grader.
I am a stay-at-home-mom, though I have worked part-time outside of the home a few times through the years. I don't like working outside of the home, as I just don't have enough time for the extra little things, like one more story, or lingering at bedtime to answer a little one's questions about God. (Why do they always wait until you and they are tired to ask, "How big is heaven... exactly?")
My hobbies? Well, I would like to have some, and I think about that as I taxi the kids about, load the dishwasher, or scrub a toilet. I used to think I was a scrapbooker, but I only did one, our wedding album, and I really haven't done anything since. I like to take snapshots, and organize them. I also enjoy zoos, my favorite animal being the giraffe. I also enjoy writing, and have kept a journal since I was 15. Well, now, I've come up with a few hobbies/interests. Oops - I left out one interest - Danny Kaye. Yep, call me weird, but the man was a performing genius. He was the Jim Carrey of his day, and then some.
What else can I say about myself? I really liked, OK -
loved - the movies,
Pride and Prejudice (with Colin Firth) and
Sense and Sensability (with Emma Thompson
). I am very fond of the the book
Jane Eyre. I also enjoyed two books recently, by Lisa See,
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and
Peony in Love.
I adore babies, and often feel a deep sadness that I can have no more. (hysterectomy, age 40) Still, grandchilren will fill that void...
I hope to make lots of new friends and enjoy the different flavors of other large Christian families out there. (No, I am not a cannibal - you know what I mean ;)