Sunday, September 9, 2007


It's September - one of my favorite months. I always liked this time of year as a kid. I enjoyed going back to school, and liked the cooler weather as well.

Noah started kindergarten this year. So far, he's not impressed. I'm hoping he'll soon look forward to going, to join his friends and learn new things. I cried a little after walking back into the empty house that first day. I guess it marked the end of his baby/toddler-hood to me. Especially since he's my last. He told that he missed me a lot that first day too, and that warmed my heart. We were both fine the next day.

The girls are back at college. Rebekah is out of state, but Sarah Jane lives here. SJ is practicing her harp as I type. I love to hear her practice.

Rebekah is so happy at college. She has a tight group of friends, and only calls about once a week. Sometimes she calls just to talk to Noah.

My little sisters, age 21, are coming over any minute. They want to see Josh's hair, which he bleached blonde the day before school started. I don't like the way it looks, but most people compliment him on it. (I think they just don't know what else to say.) His natural color is brown, and that looks great on him. Oh well, as David says, at least he didn't get a tattoo.

Sarah Jane, inspired by Josh, bleached her hair as well. It looks very natural on her, as her skin is blonde-friendly. So now, after years of having dark-haired kids, I have two "blondes."

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