We got back from our trip to the beach a couple weeks ago. We went to Bethany Beach, DE. The big kids had a lot of fun. Noah had some fun, as did I. David got a terrible sunburn on the first day of the week, and had to hide out for the next few days. He did enjoy the boardwalk at night, and did have a nice day in the surf the day before we left, but I felt really bad for him most of the time. He wasn't very discouraged, as he enjoyed having the beach house to himself for large blocks of time, to watch what he wanted on TV, and to read a book he had been wanting to finish. So, all in all, it was a good trip.
I learned something during the trip: Noah is not a beach person, at least for now. He played a little in the waves, got knocked down, then spent the rest of his beach-time whining to go back to the beach house. He wouldn't even build sand-castles with me. The sticky sand and hot sun bothered him. He very much enjoyed the boardwalk rides, and feeding french-fries to seagulls. Also, he enjoyed flying the little kiddie kite we bought him. We found that 6-8pm was our family's favorite time to go to the beach.
I tried going to the beach in the morning for my devotions, and found it to be too bright and a bit muggy. I walked on the early morning beach, and also found that less than enjoyable. I guess evenings really are the best time for some to be on the beach in July.
When we returned from the beach, my Dad and step-mother, Brenda, brought our dog, Maisy, back to us. Brenda had asked me if she could take Maisy to her Sheltie's groomer while they were keeping her, and of course I was fine with that. (The summer-clip I had given her was looking sad, and a fresh cut would make her cooler... ) I asked only that her ruff and tail be left alone. And that is what Brenda told the groomer. But when she returned, Maisy's ruff was gone. Her tail was still fluffy, but she now looked like a mix between a Jack Russell and fox terrier. The groomer told her that the ruff needed to grow in along with the body hair, or it would look bad. Anyway, I thought she looked cute. She's fluffed out since, resembling a Corgi, but here's how she looked right after the groomer's:

And last but not least, Rebekah turned 20. Various friends and family joined us for her party the other night. She was very pleased with all the decorations and effort that went into it, and made a point to personally thank everyone. I can't believe it's been 20 years since the second time I heard the words, "It's a girl!" I'm so glad God blessed us with Becka. She's a lovely young woman.
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