David and I were married 25 years ago this last March. Our family threw us a party to celebrate, complete with a silver-trimmed cake and many silver gifts.

Sarah, Jill, David, and Rebekah, March 2010

A sweet sentimental gift from my mom - the sterling silver candlesticks she used for about 40 years.
Then a caravan of us headed down to VA to see Rebekah in the play, An Inspector Calls. It was a morality play set in about 1912 Britain. It was so good! Of course, Rebekah shined! Afterwards, her director and teacher for 4 years took David and me aside. He told us that she was the best acting student he'd ever had, that there was never anything artificial when she was in character. Wow!

Our lovely Rebekah, as Sheila, a newly-engaged upper-class young lady

The adoring fans - L-R: Nanny (Winifred), Papaw (John), Ben, Rebekah, David, Jill, Noah, Grandpa (Gary), Erin, and Grandma Brenda
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