My thoughts on matters large and small, deep and shallow. Join me for coffee and correspondence. This month's coffee: Folger's Half-Caff. Today's Cookies: the plain round ones on the lower shelf at the store called, "Tea Cookies." They're yummy and affordable!
Friday, October 1, 2010
New URL, same blog
That's where you'll find me from now on. It's amazing that I was even able to post this, as I've been having trouble with user names/passwords since getting a gmail email account...
See you there!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
How I Spent My Summer
Mmmmph... Clean out the attic? David - are you serious? GARAGE SALE!? (low growl...) I guess we should... OK, let's see what we have here. No one wants this old thing. Hand me that bowl. What's that in the bottom of it? Spices? No... mouse poop! Get the Lysol wipes! ... (shudder, roll over, heavy sigh)... Boxes, boxes, too many boxes. Too many old things.... spinster shoes, broken toys... what's in this box? Not that! No - not them - BEANIE BABIES! They're haunting me...
The subject goes understandably comatose for two hours. Then, she stirs.
All right, now where are all the stickers? Ok, let's price this vase at $3.50. Well, maybe $2.75. Hmmmmm... (writes on imaginary sticker) "Free - no returns!" ... I can't believe we spent a weekend selling stuff and only made $70. And that's only because we offered a free meal if they bought something. So, with the money we spent on the food.... we lost seventeen cents.... now we gotta haul most of it to the Goodwill. (rolling over, kicking off covers)
Later in the night -
When will they get here? We haven't seen them since Abby's wedding! (snore)... Hi! (hug, kiss, hug) How are you all? Feed, serve, feed, serve, fetch this, fetch that. Feed again! Now let's sit and chat. What? You have to leave? (sniff, sniff) ... (low growl)... I'm gonna make David fix the meals next time...(subject flails at husband)
That's all the mumbling a person can do in one night. So I'll wake up.
What else did I do with my summer? At the end of July, I accompanied Noah to Suzuki Institute. This is basically an intense learning camp for stringed instrument students, in which they are in back-to-back classes all day, breaking only for lunch. I chose a percussion elective for him to give him a break. He liked that class most of all. In the end, he was playing his cello 4-5 hours daily, including evening practice at home. He played with a youth orchestra for the first time, and was complemented on his reading skills.
In mid-August, I worked for a week in my step-mother's law office. I filled in for the receptionist. This would have been cushy, but like an idiot, I mentioned that I knew some Word, and was quickly put to task. It was interesting though, to copy out a deed, and I learned some new Word skills from my step-mother along the way.
The next week I spent what I had just earned on homeschooling curriculum. I worked almost as many hours choosing curriculum as I did at the receptionist job.
And now I am happily homeschooling Noah with a combination of Sonlight (History, Geography, and Language Arts), Teaching Textbooks (Math) and A Beka (Bible and Science) I think Noah likes science least of all, and history most. I love that he asks, "Can we read more?" after every history book-reading.
And then - I count this a gift from God - we went to Chincoteague and Assateague Islands, and kayaked, swam, dug in sand, petted island ponies, climbed the lighthouse, biked around Chincoteague, watched fighter-jets zoom about, and generally had a good time. David's aunt and uncle put us up for three nights, fed us, and showed us what to do and where to go. We had a blast!
I swapped out Misty of Chincoteague for Ginger Pye in Noah's Read-alouds. We're enjoying reading about the places we been to!
And it gets better - our Sarah Jane came home for her birthday. It was so nice to have her here. We threw her a party, took her to see Rebekah at the theme park she works at, and worked along-side her as she made Coconut Chicken. And then she flew back to her hubby.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
June Cleaver day

I felt like June Cleaver today. I made cookies, cleaned the tub and its accessories, did laundry, and made a really interesting meal, Moroccan Orange Chicken with Couscous. I did all dishes between and after each mess/meal. My house is in hand. It feels good!
However, when it comes to relaxing this evening, I'm not like June. While she'd spend the evening darning the Beaver's socks as Ward reads interesting news articles to her, I'd like to watch a psychological thriller, like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, or What Lies Beneath. But it's CSI night, and I'll be watching that with David. Actually, they're pretty interesting, if I can endure the icky body stuff...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A typical evening

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
They (didn't) call me Stephanie
Just before I was knocked out for the surgery, the doctor and I found we had the same problem: we were given first names that were not used. We were called by our middle names. Like P. John Smith, instead of Peter J. Smith. And all our lives we've heard, "What's the P for?" This required a lengthy explanation that was fun to give the first three times. And then, like a woman asked - for the twentieth time - what her due date is, it got old. But pregancy ends. This doesn't.
I told Dad about this, mentioning the middle names of my doctor and his twin. They were from a 1960's TV show, and Dad laughed at this. Then I asked him, "Who came up with the name, *******?"
"I did." he said, and went on, " I thought it was a very nice name. You see, there was this girl down the street named *******. She was a tomboy - she could play baseball as good as or better than any of the boys in the neighborhood. And when you're eight or nine, that's pretty impressive. You hold a girl like that in high regard." Her last name was Gotloeb. So, here, after all this time thinking I was named the feminine version of my grandfather's name, I wasn't. I was named after a Jewish tomboy my dad knew as a kid. What a sweet little nugget of family history that was. I'm so glad I asked!
As for the riddle of my burbling bowels, that has yet to be worked out. I've been having regular diarrhea, stomach cramping and bloating for a month now. I had such painful cramps a week after this started that I went to the doctor. I thought it was a virus. But he decided I should see a GI doctor. That Dr wanted to start the investigation with a colonoscopy. Oddly, an x-wray on the day of the awful pain showed that I was "extremely" constipated. I will insert a visual now, to show how bad it was, even though I was also having diarrhea at the time.

See that lavender-colored snaky thing, with the bumps? That's the colon, ending in the anus. See the wiggly thing on the bottom left, at the beginning of the colon? That's the appendix. Now, go up to the first bend in the colon, and about 4-5 bumps across. That's where I was backed up to. That's "extremely constipated." The GP's main concern was that I might have a partial blockage, which only allowed liquid through, thus the diarrhea. But the GI doc thought not. And I can tell you, after doing "bowel prep" last night, I most certainly am not constipated.
I will see my GI doc soon, and discuss my situation further then. Meanwhile, my internet research brings me to two possibilities : Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Celiac Disease. Here are my syptoms:
Bloating, cramping stomach pain
Unexplained weight loss over the course of nine months
It seems some foods "trigger" my stomach aches -
- pizza
- lentils
- onions
I've begun to avoid gas-producing foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, beans, and cabbage. I'm so afraid of getting sick, I've just written them off. I cut dairy out 3 months ago, to see if I was lactose-intolerant, and my terrible gassiness stopped. So that's something.
I just wish I had some answers, though I am very relieved I don't have polyps or diverticulosis. I love nuts, and couldn't eat them if I had divert.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
And then we went to Friendly's, where Noah appropriately dripped chocolate sauce onto his dress shirt. After all, he had kept it clean and tucked in until then.

Fans, left to right, Aunt Bev, David, Ben, Papaw, Bubbe, and Nanny

Pre-concert silliness calms the nerves. L-R: Isaiah, Noah, and Jamison

Serious musicians

Noah with Miss Barb

Proud parents, David and Jill, with their small cellist
Thursday, April 22, 2010
a floral walkabout

I had the most pleasant time with blooms and foliage yesterday. I had to capture the joy...
My neighbors azaleas. I think this is the best color. It's old-fashioned, like my heart.

Again, the neighbor's flowers. I don't know their name, but they were so sweet and unpretentious, I had to add them to my collection.

My clematis, not sure of the variety, but I like them because they remind me of pink dogwood.
They have overtaken one of our mission arborvitae. I think it is demurely pleased to be so elegantly clothed.

More clematis...

Clematis buds, quietly waiting for their debut...

Couldn't resist one more shot. Isn't the little purple bud dear?

Holly - their blossoms, so often overlooked, deserve som attention. Faint pink and white, jutting their pollen out on stalks. Come, bees, for a tasty appetizer!

I always enjoy these bright, white little flowers. They remind me of edelweis. They're probably weeds, which is all the more reason to capture them. Persistent and lovely - shouldn't we take a lesson?

Ah, the majestic purple iris. This has been one of my favorite annuals, since 1986. It required a showcase indoors.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
March 2010

David and I were married 25 years ago this last March. Our family threw us a party to celebrate, complete with a silver-trimmed cake and many silver gifts.

Sarah, Jill, David, and Rebekah, March 2010

A sweet sentimental gift from my mom - the sterling silver candlesticks she used for about 40 years.
Then a caravan of us headed down to VA to see Rebekah in the play, An Inspector Calls. It was a morality play set in about 1912 Britain. It was so good! Of course, Rebekah shined! Afterwards, her director and teacher for 4 years took David and me aside. He told us that she was the best acting student he'd ever had, that there was never anything artificial when she was in character. Wow!

Our lovely Rebekah, as Sheila, a newly-engaged upper-class young lady

The adoring fans - L-R: Nanny (Winifred), Papaw (John), Ben, Rebekah, David, Jill, Noah, Grandpa (Gary), Erin, and Grandma Brenda
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Next came Easter, and then a very big event: Noah's learning to ride a bike! He and David put it all together, and then, 2 weeks later, off came the training wheels! Noah learned in a snap. He's enjoying his bike so much now. I just took him to the park today.
In the midst of all the busy-ness, I did get a picture of the back yard from our balcony. I'll nver tire of all the color - the dogwoods, redbuds, and azaleas all blooming at the same time.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mighty dog
Monday, February 22, 2010
- No sugar
- Whole grains
- LOTS of fruit and veggies
- Moderate meat
- No eating in front of the TV
- Regular exercise
The ban on sugar has been the hardest. I am using Splenda, but as David hates artificial sweeteners, he is at a loss. He won't budge on iced-tea, his "elixor of life." But as it only has a scant 1/4 cup of sugar per 1/2 gallon, I don't think it's too too bad. The example couple on youtube lost about 9 lbs each after the first two weeks. I hope that happens for us!
Rebekah came home for the weekend, bringing her "biggest fan," Krystal. She had a local audition, which she did well at. We had fun on Saturday. We went to a snobby little tea shop, and then an artsy gift shop my friend, Faith, had shown me a year ago. We especially liked the Alice-in-Wonderland type furniture.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I put on a meal and find I have leftovers. I make a batch of cookies, and there are still some in the cookie jar three days later. The kitchen stays a little cleaner. David and I can have private conversations more often. The house is oddly quiet much of the time, especially if Ben is out with friends. It's weird. I don't know if I like it. Well, maybe a little.

I helped with Noah's Valentine's party yesterday. There is something endearing about second-graders passing paper hearts with clothes-pins in their mouths, to win a game. Or holding hands in a circle, singing "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold..." Later, they were anxious to decorate little bags and fill each other's with Valentines.

Tomorrow I help with the bowling field-trip. This will be entertaining. I'm bringing my camera.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Off to Illinois!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
All done packing
Well, anyway, she and Praveen are ready to go to Illinois. I guess this packing was the last step in the wedding/move. I will miss Sarah sooooo much! And I will miss getting to know Praveen better faster. But over time, we'll get together. I suppose Sarah and I will talk on the phone a lot, but it's not the same...
Becka and Ben are bothering the daylights out of Cosmo. He's sleeping and they keep whining at him, "Cosmo, wake up and play! You've been sleeping all day!" Then Ben talks in Cosmo's voice which is male, but kinda whimpy.
I'm done with my job on Sunday. So Becka and I need to boogie on over to Banana Republic before I lose my 50% discount. She's really impressed that I even want to do that: "We never go shopping - that's like a normal mother-daughter thing." It's funny. Ever since I started working this job, whenever I fold the girls' clothing, I think of Becka, and wish I'd been able to take her shopping more as a little girl. But that seemed to be my mother-in-law's thing. We were always strapped, and Nanny enjoyed taking the girls out shopping. If it wasn't for her, they'd have had half the clothing, and most of it from Walmart. So they're grateful! I remember once, I did buy brand new dresses for the girls. It was very special, and they were about $20 each. I remember putting them in those coodinated dresses and feeling so good about buying them. The girls looked so cute in them! I'll have to find a picture of them. They weren't fussy. More like playdresses. They were striped and had appliques of little kitties or some such on them. It's funny the things we remember.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Rebekah is still in bed, and I need to get in that room and pack what's left of Sarah's stuff. I'm hoping to get to my friend, Faith's, house around 11, so I may just invade the warm sleepiness of that sanctuary, with disregard for the zzzzzz's in the air...
My seasonal retail job is soon ending, and I'm glad. But it's helped me lose about 10 lbs, so that's the downside. I was 163 in the summer. Now I'm 149. I'll need to get walking every day. Maybe I can find an accountablitly partner...
I'm pretty much recovered from the wedding. I hope Sarah and Praveen are having a nice time, despite the cool weather they didn't expect on their honeymoon.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
A Wedding to Remember

Sarah, Praveen, and I cried a little. I found out later that at least two of my friends did too. Rebekah, David, and Adele choked up a little during toasts (and Adele's poem, written just for the occasion).
My sister, Gayle, did the photography. The reception was very classy, and the dancing was a blast! Even some of my quiter friends couldn't resist a little disco action. At one point, I saw my mom and Ben cutting the rug, and later my mother-in-law was teaching me how to swing! Sarah and Praveen danced to All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera, and then David and Sarah waltzed to On the Beautiful Blue Danube. David and I got a couple of dances in too - I especially enjoyed one to What a Wonderful World. The evening went so fast - soon we were throwing birdseed at the happy couple and off they went! Family and friends pitched in to clean up, and we all dragged ourselves home. We ended up with a LOT of leftover cake. We pretty much crashed upon arriving home... Noah peeled off his sherwani, and crawled right into bed. He had danced a lot, and told me, while resting between dancing, that, "This is the BEST wedding ever! I can't wait for their anniversary party!" Here are some snapshots I caught: