Hives on Cosmo
Poor little Cozzy has hives. He woke up this way yesterday, looking like he was wearing puffy skin goggles. Now the hives are all over him. The vet said to give him benadryl every 8 hours, and that really helps. But again, he had them this morning because his evening dose wore off. I never saw him yipe outside, so I don't think he was stung by a bee. But another bug might have bitten him. Or it could be the food coloring in his kibble. I bought some all-natural kibble for his meal last night. It has no artificial anything, so hopefully that will help. Meanwhile, we all feel sorry for him. The last time I had hives, it lasted a week. I hope it's over sooner for him. 
Even his flews are swollen. They're normally half this size.
Poor Cosmo!
I had hives last for 10 days once and it was TORTURE.
Yes, I had them for a week when I was 21. They seemed to want to move around so that every inch of my body was welted at some point. I was on a strong antihistimine that week, and couln't nurse my 7 mo old daughter. But it passed, and she was able to nurse again.
I got them from amoxicillin.
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