I am learning the following songs (that Noah has down already):
French Folk Song
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
May Song
O Come, Little Children

The other night I changed Noah's sheets (from bear-print to plain white). Soon after, as I tucked him in, he made a strange remark: "There's something not right with this bed." I probed what that might be. "Well, it's these white sheets - I feel like an old man and dying." I assured him that we all used white sheets from time to time, as that's what's clean in the closet. He was somewhat satisfied with this answer, and settled in for prayers, hearts*, and kisses.
Rebekah and I are getting into Sudoku. She is very good at it, but tells me she's gotten rusty. I, however, slowly poke through the "easy" ones, bugging Becka or Ben to help me out a little. I am getting it, though, and it's rather addictive.
Sarah worked 12-hour shifts yesterday and today. She's off tomorrow. This is the first week she's on the floor, and I think its a lot to take in. Three months from now she'll laugh at how hard it seemed at first.
I applied for part-time jobs today. I hit three jewelry stores, two Hallmark stores, and a children's clothing store (which I love to but Noah's clothes from). If I get the clothing store, I think I'll get a discount. I have an interview tomorrow. I'll see what comes of the other places, and then decide what to do.
*Hearts - a little saying Noah and I came up with after he once told me (at age 4) that his heart loved my heart. He eventually added, "even my beating heart loves your beating heart." So we say this to each other thusly, every night:
Noah: "My heart loves your heart."
Me: "Even my heart loves your heart."
Noah: "My beating heart loves your beating heart."
Me: Even my beating heart loves your beating heart."
He made this whole pattern up. I hope we continue to say it for a long time. Afterwards, he gives me a kiss on my left cheek, nose, and right cheek. And that ends our bedtime ritual. (Which started with a prayer.)
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