Monday, February 16, 2009

Flee, fly, flu

Noah has the flu. He took ill on Saturday night, with a fever and stuffy nose. Since he was feverish, and I wanted to rule out strep throat, I took him to the doctor today, and that's where I was told he had the flu. At times like this, I feel that I should have been able to diagnose his ailment, and skip the hassle and co-pay of going to the doctor. Nevertheless, I really cannot know what is wrong with him, and I've found that my "gut" feelings are sometimes off, so I just have to take the safest route. That'll be $30.00 please.

For those who are praying for my brother, please continue. He is going through some very painful days, but still feels God continually tending to his wounds. (He has even been an encouragement to others at this time.) My mom is there with him, sleeping over, and I call and stop in often. I know Steve's friends are there for him too. It still feels like a strange nightmare, but it's finally setting in now, the reality that I won't see my sister-in-law for possibly 40 years. Since the last 20 years went by so fast, perhaps the next 20-40 will too, and it will seem like no time when I say, "Hello, Kajaun! There you are!" and rejoice with her in Heaven.

Becka's play, the Crucible, is this weekend - I can't wait to see her in it! David's parents, Josh, Ben, and I are going down to see her. I know she'll knock our socks off. She's a talented girl. Besides seeing my own little girl in such a big role, Elizabeth Proctor, I'm looking forward to the whole story on stage. I've only seen half the movie, so I never knew how it ended.

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