Firstly, I am thankful that my sister-in-law is still with us in 2009. A month ago, the doctors said that she would probably not see the new year, yet she has. She is a miracle, there in her hospital bed, in the living room of their home. I am continually amazed by God's hand in her and my brother's lives over the last three years. I've seen a lot of spiritual growth in them. I can see how heavily they rely on the Lord for all their needs, and we all see His involvement in the big and small matters of their particular situation.
K started hospice a few weeks back. She is in their home, and my brother is her full-time care-giver. Her mom is there for several hours every day, giving Steve a chance to run errands, or just get a shower. Sometimes he asks my mom or me to bring in groceries. He calls my house once or twice a week, to see if any of us want to hang out or watch a movie. We've enjoyed some rich visits this way. Sarah and Rebekah enjoying watching TV with Aunt K. and they chat and laugh over little things. Rebekah keeps Aunt K's nails looking their best. She pretends that they're in a nail salon. K gets a kick out of that.
I'm thankful for all the blessings of the year. In March, David and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary. We watched each of our kids grow another year older. Josh graduated high school and started college. Ben took up the guitar, and has applied himself every day to playing it better. My in-laws took us to Cape May, along with David's sister, Nancy. It was there that David gave me a lovely diamond ring there, atop the Cape May Lighthouse. Sarah Jane started her last year towards her BSN this fall. We got a new dog, Cosmo, our Boston Terrier. I registered at the local community college, and was accepted for the Spring 2009 semester, where I plan to take English Composition 101. Noah started first grade, and the suzuki cello. These are just some of the year's highlights. I am thankful for all the blessings and provision God has bestowed on us.
What did we do on New Year's Eve? Noah slept over at Nanny and Papaw's house, and the rest of us stayed home and relaxed. Following an easy dinner of Steak-ums and frozen pizza, I made a pot of Starbucks coffee, and we all collected in the family room to play Apples to Apples. We "lit" the HD on-demand "fireplace," which crackles away, with or without music, for 30 minutes, and played and laughed through this game of providing the best nouns for a chosen adjective. It sounds like an English lesson, but is really a fun game!
After the game, we put on Raising Arizona. By this time, I was ready for bed. After tossing and turning for two hours, I began to slip under, when Pop! Bang! - fireworks were going off across the river, close to our home, and I looked at the clock to see 12:00 - it was 2009! I came downstairs to kiss David, and found my family scattered about. Ben was playing with a new gadget from the Dollar Tree. Josh and David were playing video games on two different TV's. Sarah had her nose in a book, and Rebekah was in bed.
Rebekah and Maisy were sick today. Both were sick to their stomachs, and Rebekah had a headache as well. I don't know if Rebekah had a migraine or a virus, but I know why Maisy was sick. I gave her a ham bone the night before, and she ate the whole thing before I knew it. Apparently, small dogs and large bones don't mix. The bone made a reappearance, all over the house. Lesson learned.
I must list my favorite Christmas presents:
1. Diamond earrings from my father and his wife, a complete surprise, and they are perfect for dressing up or down. A very touching gift that I will always treasure.

2. An emerald cut cz 14K gold ring from David, just what I asked for. I love it! I wear it on my right ring finger.

3. 1995 BBC/A&E Pride and Prejudice, from my mother-in-law. An amazing mini-series, one of my top 10 favorite movies.

4. A Polish pottery clock, also from my mother-in-law. It is unusual and perfect for our cozy family room.
5. Big checks from the Dads. Most useful of all, especially with three kids in college.
I'm feeling real sleepiness coming on. I hope and pray I get eight hours tonight. I've not slept well for about a week. Not really sure why...
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