Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quiet evening

I just tucked Noah in. He's listening to a tape, The Polar Express. We did his homework and read a book about police cars, and off to bed he went. He told me was having upsetting thoughts about something he saw on TV, so I taught him the Favorite Things song, encouraging him to think of happy things. What were his happy things? The things he wants for Christmas: Wall-E, a Nerf dart gun, and other stuff I can't remember. These toys all just run together in my mind. Anyway, he seemed OK with that strategy, and the tape served as a good distraction.

The rest of the family is out shopping, so I find myself in the quiet of the family room, the only noises, Maisy chewing her bone, and the mantle clock chiming St. Michael's. It's really nice, actually. Don't get me wrong. I love having a family. But this quiet, and the freedom to do whatever I want, choose my own TV show or listen to music without someone turning on the TV in the next room, even read or write in the the quiet - it's very peaceful and calming. I think perhaps every mom should have this once a week. I sometimes go to the library for this. But it's nice to enjoy quiet in my own home.


Rhonda said...

Quiet time ROCKS MY SOCKS!

I love the polar express book. Since we were gearing up for the train ride I've been reading it to the kids. Now I need to rent or buy the movie because we've never seen it. Have you? If so, did you like it?

Jill said...

Haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to rent it. Esp after hearing a little bit of the tape.