Thursday, October 23, 2008

So sad...

I learned shocking news yesterday. The day before, the younger sister, 37, of a good friend, accidentally struck a police man with her SUV. He was thrown over an embankment and killed instantly. He had been setting up cones around a fatal accident scene from a couple days before, and was bent over on this bad curve of a 55mp highway when she hit him. I feel so bad for his family, a wife and 2 young kids. He was only 31. My friend's sister is devastated. My heart goes out to her. But really, you'd think he wouldn't have put himself in that dangerous spot w/o placing a flashing cruiser before him on the highway. He was working on a fatal crash from days before at the same spot! He should have considered the possibilities, and taken precautions. And it was rush hour! What a tragedy. Two families now struggle to come to grips with the whole thing.

I will be praying for the policeman's family as well as my friend's sister.

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