The move-in went smoothly. Josh had half the stuff Rebekah did for her move-in 2 weeks before. But then, he doesn't own 65 pairs of shoes...
We got to try out the food in the cafeteria, and it was yummy. Sarah Jane told me later that was just because the college was putting on a show; it wasn't always so good. But Josh is a rather non-discriminate eater, so I don't see this as a problem. We teased him about gaining the freshmen 15. By contrast, Rebekah has not been able to do this, and is frustrated by that.
Josh is now successfully installed in a liberal arts college not too far away. He started out as a biology major, in a pre-med track. But as he thought about it, he decided to go back to his original plan: architecture. Let's see, how did he put it? "Mom, I just can't stand needles and blood, and I knew it [plastic surgery] was wrong for me." He's talked to a counselor there at the college about how to aim towards architecture, and for now, he's taking the Gen Ed courses that need to be accomplished before getting into the architectural nitty-gritty. Still not sure which architectural school he'll choose, as there are a couple good ones within a couple hours.
Here we are with Josh as he moved into his dorm last week. Note David wearing the beanie he wore at this some college 24 years ago. The freshmen had to wear them that first week or so. Sadly, the college did away with the tradition a few years later, so Josh has not gotten to share in it.

And last but not least, I must show a picture of Chunky, Josh's alternate personality. Josh has had him since he was about seven - Josh, that is, not Chunky. He has a voice similar to Cookie Monster's and has a bad habit of stealing grape jam. We had almost forgotten about him, but as we helped Josh unpack, David found the cheeky monkey smashed into Josh's dop kit. Chunky informed us that he has also enrolled full-time, majoring in primate studies with an emphasis on social justice.
Here Chunky is ready for higher learning.

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