Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Dads

I made each of the dads an apple pie for Father's Day. I think they were both pleased.

We went to my dad's on the Saturday night before Father's Day, for dinner and hanging out. It was nice. Dad, Noah, and I walked our two Shelties in a light rain, holding umbrellas as we went. It was during this walk that I learned that Dad had a buff-colored Cocker Spaniel named "Pal" when he was eight. But after about six months my Grandma gave it away. It had only a few accidents that Dad could remember. He just recalled that Grandma just wasn't keen on owning a dog, as it made more work and mess. This makes sense as she was an excellent housekeeper. But it was nice to find this out. What was sad was the way the dog left: during the day while Dad was in school. So he came home to no Pal. The weird thing is, this is exactly what happened to my Mom and her little Spitz dog. One day she came home and he was gone. I'll have to find out his name. If it was Pal, that would be wild!

I even watched golf with my dad. On his high def TV, it was actually entertaining. I was surprised to find golf so interesting. After asking Dad about some of the golf terms, I got caught up in Tiger Woods' amazing long shot into a hole.

We went to David's parents on Sunday to spend time with his dad. We go there often for Sunday dinner, so I don't remember anything special happening other that the usual: stuffing ourselves on Chinese, playing games, chatting. But it was nice and relaxing, which I think worked for everyone.

I made David some blueberry muffins and French press coffee for breakfast, and Noah gave him a Spiderman card that made him laugh. Later, Sarah Jane gave him a Father's Day mug that matched my Mother's Day mug. He really liked it. Ben gave him a card yesterday, that seemed to touch him. I'll have to read it and see why.

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