Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where to send Josh

We had it all figured out. Josh was going to go to Judson U, in Illinois, to major in architecture. Then, he began to sway. And move away from it all. I don't know exactly why, but I think it was premature separation anxiety. Which is understandable. The kid was going to be 10 hours drive from home without knowing a soul in the place. But JU is also the only Christian university to offer a National Architectural Accrediting Board - degree. They even filter the internet that comes into the kids' pc's - yay! Distance aside, it's perfect. Well, maybe the student body is a bit small, 1250. But I figured that in the six years Josh will be there, he'll meet 5 more new classes, and half of those will be girls! That's 937.5 gals to choose a mate from. (If that's how he's going to meet her in college.)

Now, after some more talks, debates, and looking around at other majors at a closer Christian college, he's back to architecture as a major.

I think he's going to end up at Judson. And I think he's going to do just fine.

I think Ben is going to be a business major, which is good because he can go to just about any Christian school close by. Personally, I think he should go to Liberty like Rebekah.

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