Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Road trip to New England

I find myself in Connecticut. I'm staying with a dear friend I made years ago when we lived here. I came along with Sarah Jane who was determined to get to her long-time friends, Chris and Enna. They went to the beach today.

My friend is Clair. And while Sarah Jane and her buddies were going to the beach, Clair and I were having manicures. I'd never had one before and let me tell you it was most relaxing. Clair treated. (I think she was a bit taken back that I'd never had my nails done before.) Mei, my Chinese nail-doer, was very thorough, and trimmed all my cuticles, massaged my hands and forearms, and even put a very warm towel on them. I think I liked that more than having spiffy nails. The process of having my nails done involved seemingly countless lotions and polishes. I think Mei applied 8 different liquids to my nails and hands by the time she sat me down under the dryer. And then Clair joined me. We sat there, feeling very girly and self-indulgent. A gal massaged Clair's back. (She had offered to do mine as well, but I thought it was extra so I declined.) Now my nails are a tasteful light pink, and I feel very special.

Clair loves the Lord, and so we have spent much time talking about His working in our lives, and how much He has blessed us.

Clair has quite a testimony. She said He manifested Himself to her in a most miraculous way. Jesus told her to read His Word because every word in it was true. I just had shivers as she shared all the details. Clair's working on a book, and I think she'll include this, so I'll not write it all out now. Just trust me - if you are earnestly seeking God, He will reveal Himself to you!

It's just about time to check in on another friend and see how her C-section went yesterday. I imagine she'll feeling a bit ouchy right now. I remember that feeling the next day, after all that wonderful numbing medicine has worn off. You just want to hop out of bed, but you can't. You have to move in slow motion because there are 7" of staples holding your tummy shut...

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