Here's Cosmo. He often looks out the window this way, scanning for interlopers. I feel so much safer knowing that my whimpering little 20-pound dog is protecting me.
My thoughts on matters large and small, deep and shallow. Join me for coffee and correspondence. This month's coffee: Folger's Half-Caff. Today's Cookies: the plain round ones on the lower shelf at the store called, "Tea Cookies." They're yummy and affordable!
The ban on sugar has been the hardest. I am using Splenda, but as David hates artificial sweeteners, he is at a loss. He won't budge on iced-tea, his "elixor of life." But as it only has a scant 1/4 cup of sugar per 1/2 gallon, I don't think it's too too bad. The example couple on youtube lost about 9 lbs each after the first two weeks. I hope that happens for us!
Rebekah came home for the weekend, bringing her "biggest fan," Krystal. She had a local audition, which she did well at. We had fun on Saturday. We went to a snobby little tea shop, and then an artsy gift shop my friend, Faith, had shown me a year ago. We especially liked the Alice-in-Wonderland type furniture.