Ben is 17 today. Here is the story of his birth:
A week before his due date, my doctor thought it prudent to look inside my huge belly, via ultrasound, to find out just how big that baby was. His brother had been a whopper, and so Ben was expected to be as well. I was relieved that they were thinking of inducing him a week early, especially after the u/s tech said he was measuring "off the charts." She estimated his weight to be about 9-1/2 lbs. She was a pound off...
I was admitted into the hospital on Wednesday, April 29th, and given a medicine to start the process. By morning nothing much was happening, so they started a pitocin drip. Ben was born at 2:42, weighing 10.7 lbs! He was so big and healthy, with a full head of thick black hair. He was simply perfect. David and I were so happy to finally meet him, as realize that he and Josh would be playmates, being only 2 years apart. I remember the nurses measuring his head, looking at one another in surprise, and re-measuring it. Though he was 4 oz larger than Josh, he wasn't as painful to pass. Ben, however, was more upset about the whole thing than Josh had been, crying off and on for four hours before falling asleep.
Other than a short hospitalization for jaundice, Ben proved to be a faily easy newborn. He was a "clingy" older baby, though, usually found on my hip. Though he was heavy, I enjoyed toting him around, and even help him for whole naps sometimes. Thinking he was my last, I did coddle him a bit.
Happy birthday, Ben. It seems it was only yesterday I carried you around, while you sucked your thumb and twisted my hair.
In other news here are some pics of life around here -

My birthday present from David, a Willow Creek figurine called "Tenderness." I love it - it reminds me of all my babies and the precious moments I shared with them at that age. It was a total surprise. I had told David I liked it, but never guessed he'd get it for me. (He doesn't like these figurines, as they are "vague and faceless." I like them for just those reasons - I can see myself or my loved ones into them. Also they are affordable ;)

Just the guys hanging out - Josh with Cozzy.

Praveen sent Sarah a dozen roses yesterday, just because...

Even at the grown-up age of seven, Noah still holds my hand to cross streets, etc. I cherish these moments.